That being said, we are expecting the last addition of our family on my birthday, December 14th, and cannot wait to meet what the ultrasound technician is expecting to be another lovely little boy! It's been a little harder to really connect as much with this little guy in utero while adventures abound day to day with the not-so-wee-one, but the moments come in tiny breaths here and there...and here is a small one while the boy naps...
beautiful artwork by Megan Duncanson
Dear Little Bird,
I cannot wait for you to arrive. Your big brother is waiting patiently, he is very excited to teach you to run and throw a ball and somersault through the living room. He asks often "How is Baby Ollie doing??" I worry about the balance in those first few months between you and him, but I know we will make it through and grow wonderfully as a family. My wish for both of you is to grow to know the true power that lies within kindness; to discover what makes you passionate and happy in this world, in this lifetime, and to follow your heart with it. To grow happy, healthy and whole.
I am so excited to watch you grow into who you are meant to become, and to see the differences between you and Finnegan. To discover how we all fit as a family together in this world. I wish for you to always know how loved you are, and how important you are to this world around you. To revel in the beauty of this world and time and space we exist in, right here, right now. I am honored to get to laugh with you and discover this world with you all over again.
I love you and we'll see you soon,
As the holidays begin to approach and these last few weeks fly by, I'm trying to take in the last few precious moments of Finn's as the only child. To look closely with him and to snuggle in a little closer and enjoy those last few moments until the equilibrium is shaken and comes to again. Excited, nervous, in love with our family as we begin to grow together, complete. The feeling that comes with that notion of completion (Reid and I have always thought to be a two kiddo family...) is one of absolute calm and peace and contentment. Now we get to simply exist together. And the feeling is lovely.